Welcome! Thank you for visiting ( ´ ▽ ` . )
Dis but a simple carrd for all my links. I'm also available on Discord @ tsuqinoa.
Current quest: Getting back to art


I'm Lou, mostly known as qino!
Current status: trying to find the best balance between art making, being active and irl stuff. It's a bit tough but we ball 🔥
I do both OCs -mine and friends'- and fanarts, as well as some chara design
The interest tab isn't a reference for what I'd be drawing, I unfortunately do not possess the artist gene that inspires you when you're enjoying a certain media

General things I like/engage with:

  • IdentityV

  • Otoge

  • Infinity Nikki

  • Genshin

  • Enstars

  • Horror JPRGs

  • Vocasynth

  • Love Live!


  • 2.5D media

  • Survival games typa stories